
Walkthrough of Krypton CTF (Capture The Flag) | Craw security


Walkthrough of Krypton CTF (Capture The Flag) | Craw security

Walkthrough of Krypton

We get base64 encrypted password for KRYPTON2
Lets decrypt it. Either we can decrypt it with cyberchef or we can decrypt it with terminal
Let se



Above decryption is done by Cyberchef-

walkthrough of krypton

Here is done by Terminal
Command:- echo “(ecrpted_text)” | base64 -d
We got our password- KRYPTONISGREAT
Now lets logged in with ssh and our port is 2231
Command:- ssh -p 2231

walkthrough of krypton


We got the shell
Info for level2
The password for level 2 is in the file ‘krypton2’. It is ‘encrypted’ using a simple rotation. it is also in non- standard ciphertext format. when using alpha characters for cipher text it is normal to group the letters into 5 letter clusters, regardless of word boundaries. this helps obfuscate any patterns. this file has kept the plain text boundaries and carried them to the cipher text. enjoy!

In instruction for level2 it is clear that have krypton 2 file in which there is encrypted password for krypton2 but if we navigate we don’t find any text file of krypton2, so for finding we will run find command

Command:- find/-name krypton2 2>/dev/null filter ther permission denied result

walkthrough of krypton

We can see the Krypton2 file


Here is the ecrypted password “YRIRY GJB CNFFJBEQ EBGGRA”
Same decrypt it with with cyberchef or terminal



Both method are there in above pic
Logged in krypton2

Then we got the encryption and key


First, we need to check which type of encryption is used so we need to create a temp file as instruction is given In level3 web page.

krypton2@melinda:~$ mktemp -d
krypton2@melinda:~$ cd /tmp/tmp.Wf2OnCpCDQ
krypton2@melinda:/tmp/tmp.Wf2OnCpCDQ$ ln -s /krypton/krypton2/keyfile.dat
krypton2@melinda:/tmp/tmp.Wf2OnCpCDQ$ ls

krypton2@krypton: nano plain

create a text file and encrypt it so that we can know that which encryp

krypton2@melinda:/tmp/tmp.Wf2OnCpCDQ$ chmod 777 .
krypton2@melinda:/tmp/tmp.Wf2OnCpCDQ$ /krypton/krypton2/encrypt /etc/issue
krypton2@melinda:/tmp/tmp.Wf2OnCpCDQ$ ls
ciphertext keyfile.dat
know we will analyze the ciphertext file so that we can know which rot is used here


As we above image we created ptext as a plain text and than I encrypt it with the help of given encryption.

we found that A is converted into M so for this process, we are clear that encryption is used ROT12 we can decypt it from real key. let’s decrypt it.

walkthrough of krypton

we got krypton3 password
lets logged in:- ssh -p 2231

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