
Top 20 Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers

Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers

Top 20 Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers

Mobile Application Security Interview Questions and Answers

The world is going on Mobile Apps where a lot of datasets are shifting on the small screen in comparison to laptops or computer systems.  In this phase, we highly require to have the best mobile application security from the verified personnel doing the honors for good.

Moreover, Craw Security, the best mobile application security training institute in India, offers its world-class training facilities at Saket and Laxmi Nagar for instructor-led classroom training sessions.  Apart from this, a dedicatedly interested learner can also opt for the online version of the mobile application security training from the same category of trainers that offer the offline segment.

Here, we have brought the mainstream top 20 mobile application security interview questions and answers that job seekers usually face during their interview sessions.

1: What is mobile application security?

Mobile application security guards against dangers, including viruses, Trojan horses, and spyware, as well as other harmful software.  In addition, it comprises steps implemented to avoid unwanted access to the information kept in apps as well as those made to prevent the application from being exploited as a launchpad for assaults on the system or network.

In order to accomplish this, security controls must be used for user input validation, data encryption, and authentication, as well as authorization and contact between both the app and its server.

2: What are the common types of mobile attacks?

Some of the common types of mobile attacks are as follows:

  • Malware
  • Phishing
  • Social Engineering
  • Unpatched Software
  • Unsecure Wi-Fi Connections
  • Unauthorized App Downloads

3: What is reverse engineering and why is it a concern in mobile app security?

Reverse engineering refers to the method of disassembling software or a system and looking at its parts to see how it functions.  Because it gives bad players a deeper knowledge of the source code and infrastructure of the mobile app, which can be exploited to find flaws and manipulate them, it raises concerns about mobile app security.

In addition, reverse engineering can be used to defeat security measures, implant malicious code, and retrieve sensitive data.

4: What is jailbreaking/rooting and why is it a concern in mobile app security?

Users are able to access components of their mobile operating systems that are often heavily guarded by the developer by jailbreaking and rooting their devices.  Users now have the option to personalize their gadgets and add third-party apps that aren’t offered through official app shops.

5: What is a mobile device management (MDM) solution and why is it important for mobile app security?

A form of software package called mobile device management (MDM) gives users transparency, safety, and authority over their mobile devices and the software that runs on them.  In addition, it is crucial for mobile app security since it makes sure that only approved users can access the app and that it is being used on a safe device.

Furthermore, MDM also aids with the swift detection and quick reaction to threats, as well as the enforcement of mobile device policies like password restrictions and device encryption.

6: What is mobile threat defense (MTD) and why is it important for mobile app security?

A prominent security tool called Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) assists in defending against hazardous mobile threats, including risky websites, malicious apps, and some other malicious mobile behaviors.  Because it assists in shielding consumers from criminal behavior and data leaks that might happen through mobile apps, it is crucial for mobile app security.

Moreover, MTD has the ability to identify malicious behavior, warn users about it, and prevent access to websites, apps, and other harmful content.  Subsequently, MTD can offer extra security mechanisms like app strengthening, which assists in improving the security of apps.

7: What is the OWASP Mobile Top 10 and why is it important for mobile app security?

The top ten most significant threats to mobile applications are listed in the OWASP Mobile Top 10.  It is intended to assist designers and security professionals in prioritizing their cyber defenses and helping them understand the potential security issues connected to mobile applications.

Because it gives a thorough overview of the most prevalent and critical security concerns, it is crucial for mobile app security and aids businesses in shielding the user base from potential dangers.  A variety of security vulnerabilities are covered by the OWASP Mobile Top 10, such as unsafe data storage, inadequate server-side controls, unsafe authentication and authorization, and unsafe communication.

8: What is data encryption and why is it important for mobile app security?

Encoding information precisely so that it may only be viewed by authorized personnel is known as data encryption.  In addition, the protection of data from unwanted access or alteration is crucial for mobile app security.

Moreover, this protects sensitive material from criminals, such as credentials, debit and credit card details, and other private info.  Further, it aids in preventing data breaches, which can have major repercussions for both individual users and companies.

9: What is secure communication and why is it important for mobile app security?

Employing encrypted data and safe mechanisms to secure information sent over networks is known as secure communication.  In addition, it is crucial for mobile app security since it helps prevent malicious attackers from stealing or intercepting sensitive data.

Further, it aids in ensuring that information is only shared with those with whom it is meant and that it is not altered or distorted in any manner.  In order to safeguard users’ security and privacy, secure communication is an essential part of mobile app security.

10: What is secure data storage and why is it important for mobile app security?

The technique of keeping electronic information in an encrypted area that is guarded against unwanted access is known as secure data storage.  It is crucial for mobile app security as it guarantees that critical data is protected from bad actors.  Passwords, client information, financial information, and other private information that might be misused are included in this category.

Moreover, users can be shielded from data breaches, identity theft, and other dangerous actions with the use of secure data storage.

mobile application security course

11: What is secure authentication and why is it important for mobile app security?

Secure authentication is a technique for confirming a system’s or person’s identification during the mobile app security process.  As it assists in avoiding unwanted access to the program and its information, it is crucial for mobile app security.

Moreover, it assists in ensuring that only users with permission can use the application.  Biometric authentication, two-factor authentication, and multi-factor authentication are only a few methods for secure authentication.  The user is ensured by the use of various authentication methods that the data they are viewing is safe and that they are the only individuals with access to it.

12: What is code signing and why is it important for mobile app security?

The act of digitally signing software code to verify its authenticity and origin is known as code signing.  Secondly, it acts as an assurance that no outside entity has amended or interfered with the code.

In addition, this is crucial for mobile apps because it shields them against malicious code injection and reassures users that the software comes from a reliable source.  Furthermore, code signing enables developers to quickly update their software without having to repeat the verification procedure each time.

13: What is app wrapping and why is it used in mobile app security?

App wrapping is a security mechanism that adds an extra security layer on top of the program to protect mobile applications, generally enterprise applications.  In addition, it requires swathing the application in a security barrier that can offer extra security safeguards like encryption, authentication, and data loss prevention.

Moreover, this method is applied to safeguard mobile applications from hostile intrusions like data loss and illegal access.  In addition, App wrapping can help safeguard corporate data kept on mobile devices by providing a security layer and ensuring compliance with security rules.

14: What is mobile application penetration testing and why is it important for mobile app security?

The practice of vulnerability detection in mobile applications is called mobile application penetration testing (sometimes referred to as mobile app pentesting).  This kind of analysis is crucial since it enables developers to find security flaws and hazards in their apps before they are made public, giving them the opportunity to take corrective action before that happens.

Since this assists in guarding users against malevolent attackers who might steal data, interfere with services or carry out other attacks on the application, mobile application security is crucial.  Penetration testing for mobile apps is an essential component of mobile app security that helps customers feel confident using and downloading the applications they choose.

15: What is mobile application vulnerability scanning and why is it important for mobile app security?

The technique of examining mobile applications to look for potential security flaws and vulnerabilities is known as mobile application vulnerability scanning.  This kind of analysis enables businesses to find security holes in the architecture of their mobile applications and fix them before malevolent actors take advantage of them.  Such scanning might be carried out either manually or automatically using tools.

Because it enables businesses to identify potential security flaws and take preventative action to safeguard their mobile applications, it is crucial for mobile app security.

16: What is mobile application firewall and why is it important for mobile app security?

A safety feature known as a mobile application firewall (MAF) is included in mobile applications to guard against hacking attempts and guarantee that only authorized individuals may use the application.  Due to their ability to shield applications against harmful practices, including data theft, illegal access, and malicious code execution, MAFs are crucial for mobile app security.

Besides providing additional layers of authentication to guarantee that just authorized individuals can use the program, MAFs also offer a way to track and regulate the data that is delivered and received by the application.

17: What is mobile app reputation management and why is it important for mobile app security?

Tracking, preserving, and enhancing a mobile app’s reputation are all part of mobile app reputation management.  In order to prevent the app from just being banned by app stores or marked as dangerous by users, it is crucial for mobile app security because it assists in recognizing any potential dangers or suspicious behavior connected to the app.

Moreover, the maintenance of existing users’ confidence and loyalty, as well as compliance with security and privacy requirements, are two additional benefits of app reputation management.

18: How do you protect sensitive data in a mobile app?

By following the below-mentioned steps, I can nicely protect sensitive information in a mobile app:

  1. Use encryption
  2. Secure data in transit
  3. Use secure authentication
  4. Protect against reverse engineering
  5. Utilize secure APIs
  6. Use secure data storage
  7. Implement device management

19: How do you secure mobile app communications?

With the below-mentioned steps, I can nicely secure mobile app communications:

  1. Use encryption
  2. Use an authentication protocol
  3. Use secure connections
  4. Implement code signing
  5. Use secure APIs

20: How do you handle mobile app updates and patch management?

Adapting the below-mentioned steps, I can optimize and handle mobile app updates and patch management:

  • Create a plan
  • Create a plan
  • Release updates
  • Monitor feedback
  • Manage patches


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